Zim and Joey

Zim and Joey

Sunday, July 5, 2015



                                         The first tenet of my Unified Field Theory is this :

It's time to summarize, consolidate, and integrate what we've covered so far, I will do this periodically as I do for client's to whom I have been a kind of historian of their therapeutic process. As I've mentioned before, it is a very healthy practice to check in with yourself, your spouse, your dog, etc. and ask; “How's our relationship going?,” “Are we on track here?”, and “What's working/not working?” This is a good way to check your navigational equipment so to speak and see if you're having a good time on the journey!

An overarching theme of our journey together is the name of the Blog-Rude Awakening. I explained in the beginning that it is a somewhat painful, uncomfortable shock to the system when one does begin to awaken from a previously stuporous state. Awakening jars the system that was previously complacent, in denial, and avoidant of facing the reality of something. Taking the time and energy to invest in what it is for you to live fully as a human being will be unsettling in some ways as well as richly rewarding, without this investigation we will continue to live in the illusion that we are free.

The good news is that there is hope and that humans are basically good if we're given the chance and have sufficient help and resources. Instilling hope is something we all need, and need to give to others. It is useful to assess where you are on the map of your journey and accept this so you can take the next step, this builds hope. There is also the need to have human-to-human relationships that are based on equality, this is healthy and therapeutic and helps each person figure out in their own way what they need and how they feel vs. someone telling them. This helps people to become a full/whole person.

Ironically letting go of compulsive control issues is a way to gain more power and freedom. When there is enough safety and resources, people relax and let down their defenses and need for control, this frees up one's system and the energy can be used more consciously. While this freedom from control is happening, be cautious of polarity within the mind and psyche. We are conditioned to always be in a judgmental vigilance of good/bad, right/wrong, black/white thinking and this creates conflict and stress both within and outside of us. There is a state of non-duality in which both polarities live and breath without being conflicted.

Themes that I've found useful for myself and others include; 
1) We are all One

2) There is unity in diversity

3) The Universe is entertaining, informative, and absurd

4) We are players on a stage

5) Because there is only One, synchronicities abound revealing infinite interconnection and space/time warping

6) Life is mysterious and paradoxical-embrace it!

7) Change is the only constant.

8) Don't assume you know what being human is-ask lots of questions!

9) Everyone has gifts for you and you have gifts for them

10) Creating contexts to give your gifts is most fulfilling

Adolescents are cool and need our help desperately! They are lacking elders and mentors to initiate them into the mysteries of life, they need to know they have; Mastery, Belonging, Freedom, and something to contribute by Giving. Adolescents represent one of many modes of consciousness. Robert Bly's book “The Sibling Society,” states that the U.S. is a society of adolescents. Higher consciousness includes the capacity to take multiple perspectives in life, learning for its own sake, an orientation towards integration of complex systems, change seen as a welcome part of the process in organizations and life, characterized by systems thinking, and an orientation to how parts interact to create a greater whole.

Being an “epically normal” human being is a good place to set the bar for life, claiming and focusing your attention in this manner will produce profound results and others will recognize that there's something “different about you.
This will lead toward greater empowerment and freedom which is a quality given a lot of lip service in our culture.

                                The Emptiness Process

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