Epically Normal

and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.”
j.k. Rowling
My emphasis on
relational experience in terms of intimacy, is a large part of what
I’d consider epically normal about me. I mentioned previously that
science moved from an object oriented stance, with predictable paths
and states, to a quantized, statistical probability that had
uncertainty built into the fabric of reality. This new science
emphasized glacial, geological time in which rock cycles, water
cycles, weather patterns, tectonic plate movement, and biologic natural selection moved
as a very unpredictable river of time with random results. Energy was equated with
matter, and space/time was relative. The great unifying vision of
physics is a grand unified field theory in which everything is, well,
unified, that is, related and connected.
To be unified psychologically, is to
be focused on oneness, to be subjectively oriented, not so much
objectivity. Objectivity, masculine energy, extraversion, doing,
thinking, and talking is the dominant polarity in our culture, it is
pathologically out of balance. What is needed is more emphasis on
the subjective, introversion, feminine energy, being, feeling, and silence to bring equilibrium (you may ask, rightly so, how silence could be equated with femininity!)
This movement is a
feeling, relational focus, it requires a great deal of presence,
sensitivity, intuition, empathy, and the ability to be stimulated yet
contained. We have to get over our Adam and Eve, shame over nakedness data, this equates sexuality and nature with the devil, we should rather embrace a tantric vision of including what is "forbidden", this means reviewing our data banks and purging fraudulent data. This is the kind of skill set that psychologists call
emotional intelligence. Emotional intell is one of the biggest things
we're rapidly loosing through our addiction to technology. We are
rapidly loosing the ability, (and many kids never have had the ability to begin with), to provide training, modeling, and learning about what it is to send and receive
epically normal human signals.
Oh, you may say, “we send/receive thousands of signals daily, millions!”
But we really don't
send the kind of signals bonobos are sending when they're communally
grooming each other. These mammalian signals are multi and
extra sensory, they have evolved over millions of years. They relate
to the amygdala and what's called the mammalian part of the brain.
This rapid changing
of our relational skill set is epically abnormal, it requires
immediate attention! There is some movement to try and get people
motivated to turn off techno Wally World for some time each day.
That's a good start, but we also need to learn, and relearn if
necessary, how to pay attention and focus on another human being (or
dog, or tree, or earth), and let them know we care about
them, see, hear, feel, need them. Then listen and really listen and
try and understand, let the person know you understand, ask them
“Have I got it right?” Be willing to accept feedback.

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