Hope #2

do we find hope in our darkest moments, when the dominant polarity is
negative and pushing aside any vestige of affirmation? This is a
process of swimming upstream against a very strong current. It is
important to first recognize where you are on the map, which is, if
you are feeling hopeless, that's where you are. Don't try and be any
other place. This sounds hopeless in and of itself, but it is the
recognition and acceptance that leads one out of the abyss.
The human mind and psyche is composed of a multitude of voices, tones, moods, and thoughts, many of them are in agreement or at least voting with the majority, but a few are very strong and grandstanding in their declarations and opinions, they are waging war so to speak, ready to take everyone else down with them. This is where an inner dialogue needs to happen. You must find the wherewithall to engage the negative voice in a conversation without trying to suppress or give into it's demands.
The recent animated movie Inside Out takes a fun and comical view of the workings of the mind, but it is no laughing matter when one is in the depths of despair and not aware that their inner ship of awareness has been highjacked. So we must build into our daily lives, people, places, and things that will remind us and give us cues of direction to find our way out of the dark forest of depression and hopelessness.
Having friends, counselors, family, pets, and hobbies will redirect our negativity back toward hope. Relationships based on honesty, trust and safety in which people give each other honest, kind feedback is very healthy. Writing is also an excellent way to narrate your experience without becoming lost in it, but we must take action of some sort, otherwise the mood, thoughts, or voices will build in momentum and intensity.
Every person should have a plan like a fire escape to take specific evasive maneuvers when they are hit with a spiralling mood. This plan should be discussed with others, written, and placed in view so you can go right to it when needed. A simple plan might include; 1) Call my counselor, 2) Go for a walk, 3) Write down my feelings, 4) Take 20 deep breaths, 5) Take a long bath with candles, 6) Write down 10 things I like about myself, 7) Play with my dog, etc.
you must rally yourself to follow through with your plan, there will
be a part of you that will not want to do it, you have to talk to
that part and say “I hear you, but I'm in charge right now and
this is what I'm going to do for us.” Trust
me, that part will thank you in the morning!
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