Zim and Joey

Zim and Joey

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Zim For Dummies

                                                     Zim For Dummies

Crash Test Dummies have helped save numerous lives over the years…

Since I consider myself, and get frequent feedback, that I am somewhat of an odd bird both personally and professionally, I've taken it upon myself to share some of my orienting beliefs, values, filters, and biases both to help myself and offer to others some guiding principles when approaching my cage (be leery of feeding me!).

1) We are all One- This is the idea that everything is connected to everything else and is made of the same recycled stuff.

2) There is unity in diversity-This is how the universe plays hide 'n' seek with itself for the joy of finding itself.

3) The Universe is entertaining, informative, and absurd- Theatre of the absurd, impressionism, cubism, surrealism, jazz improvisation, and many other expressions of how utterly weird and entertaining the universe can be, just think of a puppy!

4) We are players on a stage- Life is so strange, mysterious, wondrous, tragic, and funny. We each have a script (that we write), and are starring in our own production.

5) Because there is only One, synchronicities abound revealing infinite interconnection and space/time warping.

6) Life is mysterious and paradoxical-embrace it!

7) Change is the only constant.

8) Don't assume you know what being human is-ask lots of questions!

9) Everyone has gifts for you and you have gifts for them- Giving and receiving are 2 sides of the same coin.

10) Creating contexts to give your gifts is most fulfilling- 3 kinds of relationship; a) what's in it for me, b) you scratch my back I'll scratch yours, and c) how can I give my gifts?

I'll stop here to give time to digest. I encourage each of you to create your own list of your guiding principles, values, and beliefs. This is the software you are running through your operating system. Ask yourself certain questions such as; Is this what I really believe, know, have experienced, want others to know about me, want to leave as a legacy, hold dear as core values, and want to continue to live by? You may find that you want to update your data, you may find that something you think you believe is really what your parents told you, something you read on Facebook, or some kind of fantasy.

This is a way to formalize your navigational system consciously, otherwise you are just regurgitating what you've been conditioned to believe. It is mind boggling how much people think they know these days about absolutely nothing! We know more and more about less and less. Plato said “The unexamined life is not worth living.” We live in a culture that is pretty much examining our own life for us, so we have a virtual or vicarious experience that feels like we know who we are and what we believe, but if closely examined, may reveal it's not what we really believe. The trick to living consciously is to examine, get feedback, and reformulate!

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