
One of the most important aspects of awakening is the instilling of hope. As a therapist, my recurrent refrain is one of hope. A therapist is a leader in a therapeutic relationship, and as such she must be a purveyor of hope. Hope is not a patronizing, happy face smile of life's vicissitudes, it is merely an encouragement of possibilities and potential.
is why I emphasize people's strengths more than their weaknesses.
When one feels burdened and myopic in their problems it takes an
outside, object perspective to help broaden the horizons. If someone
is still alive, they have strengths and positive possibilities if
they choose to look for them and try them out as an option.
believe in the goodness of human beings and I choose to emphasize
this with myself and my clients. It's certainly not a matter of
denying the shadow side of human nature (we will discuss that soon
enough). But in the beginning of therapy, it is vital to
emphasize what's working in a person's life.
may start with the most simple and obvious facts, like someone
reached out and called for help, they showed up for an appointment,
they persevered through their resistance to come to counseling, etc.
These are all simple yet powerful steps toward a change process, and
change always begins with an acceptance of where you're at on the
hopeful is part of the power of positive thinking and flowing
positive emotions. When one practices being hopeful, positive and
flowing feelings of gratitude, humor, compassion, and generosity, one
will inevitably experience and manifest these states and
circumstances in life.
we focus on is going to be what is manifested. If we allow social
media, news, and negativity to be our default focus than that is what
we will experience, this is pure compulsivity and commentary on life
vs. life itself. So in the beginning, it is often useful to fake it a
little. Try out being positive, loving and kind, and see if you don't
get some pretty fast results. Try giving to others what you want to
receive, this is the advice of all the wisdom traditions.
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