
We live in a culture that is control crazy. We are trained from very early to take, get, keep, and be vigilant for control in pretty much every area of life at all times. This gets tiring! And the fact is, most of the time control is an illusion. As we age, if we have paid attention, we try and let go of more and more, this is a sign of wisdom. When we let go, loosen our grip, and actually loose control, things get interesting!
are many examples of the pleasure derived from loosing control; a
good belly laugh, a good cry, when something beautiful takes our
breath away, a good sigh, being
totally spontaneous, falling
asleep when tired, orgasms, being moved emotionally, on and on. All
of these are circumstances of letting go and allowing, of being fully
present, and of paying attention to what's happening in the moment.
a therapeutic process, there is a container of safety in which a
person is able to take risks and go out of their comfort zone, this
is the place where healing and growth happens. There is a paradox
about gaining empowerment by letting down one's defenses. We all
developed our defenses for good reasons, however they tend to work
against us as we get older. So when we consciously try to let down
our defenses, it is a rude awakening because we are in uncharted
is a great deal of skill required in facilitation of this process.
It's like a midwife who is helping a woman give birth, there is an
intense physical process happening as well as spiritual and
psycho-social dynamics. The midwife is encouraging the woman to
breath, push, and let go, let nature do Her thing.
giving birth and the miracle of life is one of mystery, we can't
really know or control it, so letting go, cooperating, receiving
help, and staying humble in the face of this mystery is wise.
See if you can work on your control issues a little, we all have them, remember the serenity prayer about having the wisdom to know the difference between what you can change and what you can't, which is most of life!
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