“Nothing is so aggravating as calmness.”
The wisdom that comes from serenity is one of insecurity and discomfort, but paradoxically, the peace of mind you get is tremendously safe, secure, and comforting, it's the peace that surpassith all our mental constructs. If you can be humble and stop thinking you really know jack shit, you will be filled with a grace that empowers and demands that you give it away, that's the only way you'll keep it!
Whatever you think you want from the Universe, give it, and you will receive it. Become an instrument and sing love, pardon, faith, humor, irreverence, tolerance, hope, light , and joy. What you are looking for is what is looking, stop seeking or seek only for a higher agenda than your ego and brain. Try to understand rather than be understood. Today's social media is all about; “See me, feel me, touch me, know me, be me,” see the common thread here?! I can't understand, hear or receive, if I don't stop talking, thinking, texting, posting, poking, friending, trolling, and just listen.
Let your limitations, concepts, fears, opinions, and attachments follow the lead of the Master, your spirit of guidance. He or She or We are One; the captain, pilot, conductor, and tube guide, might as well pull over and take a coffee break from your speeding in crazy, fast and furious town. When you feel the guidance, see the signs, hear a calling and sense the answers come, trust yourself and take a dip in the pool, no one or nothing can do that for you!

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