
"It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects."
Nikola Tesla
is evolving, whether it's species, ideas, society, or Donald Trump's
hairdo. This is a way of saying everything is changing, but evolution
is a process of adaptation to change, it's a way of describing how
something seeks to survive, propagate, and grow itself into something
better than what it was. Evolution doesn't necessarily mean things are getting better, there are ebbs and flows to evolution, it tinkers with things over vast periods of time till it comes up with a particular trait and niche to fit in to. This is true not just on a biological level, but on bio-psycho-social-cultural-spiritual levels as well.
In the U.S. it is estimated that 46% of people don't believe in Darwinian evolution as opposed to 95% of the world scientific community attest to evolution as fact based on overwhelming evidence. This statistical discrepancy is overwhelming evidence of ignorance, but this ignorance is evolving whether or not people believe in it, science is something that doesn't require belief!
Let me give a quick and dirty description of biological evolution and apply this to rude awakening; 1) Offspring look like their parents- even if it's someone's ideas, their art, or culture, the thing that comes from a particular matrix resembles the matrix it comes from, 2) Offspring don't look exactly like their parents - there are new traits that randomly mutate into the gene pool-Even though there is obvious similarity, there is also difference (unless something is a clone or identical twin).
If we're talking about ideas, the next
generation of students will have similarity to their teachers,
musicians will give credit to who influenced them, but they will be
different from those who influenced them (unless they're a jukebox cover band), 3) You have to be alive to
have kids-This means in order to propagate, you have to survive, only
those that survive will propagate. If you are a writer, you have to
be alive to write, your ideas will only go so far if you're dead.
Other's will take your ideas and make them their own, but your
particular voice can only be heard in it's purest form if you are
alive to speak, sing, or shout. You can hear a recording of someone
dead, but it will be a canned, always the same, never organic
expression of the present moment. This phenomenon is accentuated in the fact of dramatic value increase of an artist's work once they die.
You have to get a date - If you are trying to propagate, you have to
get a date, there has to be a receptacle for your seed and genetic
material. Now you could be inseminated in vitro (in a lab), but there is the
seed and the test tube, that's a date so to speak. If you are an
artist, you have to have someone see, hear, read, understand your art
for the audience to be inseminated by your ideas. If you have no
audience, you are artistically masturbating, and if that's all you do,
your ideas will die. Mate selection spreads the properties of genetic
material, so courtship and relationship are very important, whether
it's on a biological, cultural, artistic, or spiritual level.
So reflect on your evolutionary process, are you living fully and expressing yourself as a conscious being? Are you propagating yourself in the highest way possible and leaving a legacy that will bring more light and love into the world? And are you able to get a date, a gig, a group, to connect, listen and interact in ways that engender conscious evolution? Carry the message and pay it forward!
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