Early humanoid versions of ourselves had certain features that certainly favored our survival and advantage in our ever changing early environment. Our movement out of trees onto the savanna grasslands, our bi-pedal, up right posture, homo habilis’ ability to fashion tools, and the development of our frontal lobes all greatly contributed to our evolution. But our rapidly developing skills in being social animals, including language and organizing into bands, family units and tribes, and our ability to read and respond intelligently to social/emotional cues stands out as a hallmark of our advancement up to this day.
Tribalism had a very adaptive effect in human evolution. Humans are social animals, and ill-equipped to live on their own. Tribalism and social bonding helped to keep individuals committed to the group, even when personal relations frayed. This kept individuals from wandering off or joining other groups. It also led to bullying when a tribal member was unwilling to conform to the politics of the collective.
Socially, divisions between groups fostered specialized interactions with others, based on association: altruism, kin-selectivity, and violence. Thus, groups with a strong sense of unity and identity benefited from kin selection behavior such as common property and shared resources. The tendency of members to unite against an outside tribe and the ability to act violently and prejudicially against that outside tribe likely boosted the chances of survival in genocidal conflicts.
But our modern world, compared to the early survival mode of homo sapiens, lends itself to a complexity and sophistication, both positively and negatively, whereby our primal, tribal way of being poses a huge threat on many fronts.
My ongoing contention is that our human sophisticated skills and intelligence of reading and responding intelligently to systems of human social/emotional cuing is rapidly fading, and being displaced by virtual cuing systems such as electronic media. This is comparable to trying to live on virtual food, or having virtual sex, or playing a video game of guitar hero and really believing that you are making music!
I am interested in what I feel threatens or impairs our well-being, so this article will focus on the phenomenon of tribalism.
Our modern world is becoming more and more tribal, meaning fragmented factions that organize and identify with their in group to such an extent that they insulate and close themselves off to any influence other than their own self-reinforcing views and ideologies. In biology, this is called disease, because at a cellular level, certain cells become imbalanced as far as how they regulate their homeostatic environment. This means the cell becomes damaged as to what it allows in, and what it gets rid of, the supreme example of this, from a medical perspective, we call cancer.
Facebook and Twitter are examples of technological Tribalism, and we can see how much recruitment for malicious groups such as ISIS are engendered by these tribal media. Modern social media seem innocent and encouraging of self-expression, but we are duped into believing that we are not adversely affected by yet another tribal entity-the corporate mind!
As always, we want to start with our inner world. So we want to look at the ways we have warring factions within ourselves. This inner conflict manifests in terms of projection, which is the phenomenon of seeing something in others that is a red hot chili pepper issue within oneself. This happens mostly on an unconscious level, which makes it particularly pernicious. A good example of this is the inner prejudice that we all feel on some level, that we may have a huge reaction against when we see it in others. This is because we have not owned and integrated that part of ourselves. This is a so called monkey on our back that can become a real chip on our shoulder!
Another mode of tribalism is reverse racism. There is a good example of reverse racism on YouTube. It shows a man dressed in Arab garb, with a loaded back pack walking up to white people in public and putting his backpack near them and then watching them run. This is supposed to draw attention to how stereotypical it is for white people to see Arab/Muslims as terrorists, but it is ill conceived, because in fact, many Muslim’s have walked into public places and blown themselves and others up, so our fears over the stereotype are warranted.
It’s not unlike showing people in KKK hoods/sheets walking up to Black people with a burning cross and watching their reactions. Or having someone dressed as a Nazi walk into a Synagogue. All this is pointing to what I’m calling tribalism which is a perpetuation of Us/Them mentality.
At the same time, there is a time and place for Us/Them mentality. When 911 happened, most the world drew together in compassionate solidarity against the atrocity of terror.
During WWII the world drew together to combat the terror of the Nazis. These days, the world is drawing together to fight ISIS, these are all examples of Us/Them, Win/Lose consciousness that is appropriate. There will never be a coming together and “working out our differences” with a group like ISIS. Muslims will always have to police themselves for their culture that engenders terrorism.
My generation of Baby Boomers have a very naïve idealism that believes we will one day be able to live as one, but this doesn’t mean we can’t achieve a higher and higher level of solidarity, and begin to see tribalism in all its nefarious guises.
The Many Faces of Tribalism
Imperialism is defined as; "an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another.” This is a kind of tribalism, based on perceived ‘divine right,’ meaning God is on our side, and it is purely a rationalization for conquering and subjugating people.
Dynasty is also a form of tribalism, we use the term dynasty to denote a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a feudal or monarchical system, but sometimes also appearing in elective republics. We will also use the term dynasty colloquially in referring to a sports team that overpowers and dominates opponents for some length of time, like the Green Bay Packer dynasty with Vince Lombardi.
Empires are dynastic and tribal in their efforts to dominate and suppress any competition. The British East India Company is a good example, as is the Oil industry that has suppressed alternative forms of fuel. The colonial empires of Britain, Spain, Portugal, China, U.S. are supreme examples of the negative effects of imperial systems that continue to this day using capitalistic propaganda whereby ends justifies means are used. Everything the U.S. did in the Banana Republics of South and Central America are examples of how imperialistic this country has been. The reopening of Cuba is a step in the right direction, we can credit Obama with.
Chauvinism is another example of exaggerated patriotism and a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory.
According to legend, French soldier Nicolas Chauvin was badly wounded in the Napoleonic wars. He received a pension for his injuries but it was not enough to live on. After Napoleon abdicated, Chauvin was a fanatical Bonapartist despite the unpopularity of this view in Bourbon Restoration France. His single-minded blind devotion to his cause, despite neglect by his faction and harassment by its enemies, started the use of the term.
In psychology, we use the term Napoleonic complex to denote someone who overcompensates for feelings of inferiority by trying to control/conquer others, Hitler, and any other fascist dictator can be viewed in this light.
Chauvinism has extended from its original use to include fanatical devotion and undue partiality to any group or cause to which one belongs, especially when such partisanship includes prejudice against or hostility toward outsiders or rival groups and persists even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Chauvinism got a big boost in the feminist 60’s with the coining of the term male chauvinist pig.
If you consider rabid sports fans, the term chauvinism is applicable, and is certainly an example of tribalism. Sports fans have gone so far as to kill other sports fans in their fanatical blood lust. When people feel exceptionally happy when their team wins, or exceptionally sad/mad when their team loses, it is a sign of immature tribal consciousness. Our society breeds this into us as the movie Talladega Nights highlight when Rickie Bobbie quotes his dad saying; “If you’re not first, your last!”
Chauvinism is not unlike jingoism, Jingoism also refers to a country's advocacy for the use of threats or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests. Colloquially, it refers to excessive bias in judging one's own country, club, team, religion, science, etc. as superior to others.
We can see certain characteristics such as egoistic and impulsive qualities in tribalism, as in the sociopsychology of a riot or a crowd of fans at a sporting event. There is the feeling of the world as a jungle, and it is survival of the fittest, and might makes right, as well as avoiding shame, getting respect, and taking what you consider to be rightfully yours.
We would see this kind of consciousness in rebellious youth, Feudal kingdoms, and the stage of development called the “terrible twos.”
Other qualities include a blind allegiance to authority as in the Nazis, a sense of ultimate truth and the calling/justification to banish/destroy all who would oppose. There is also a strong sense of purpose and manifest destiny as with the Puritans.
Alternatives To Tribalism
The opposite of tribalism would be a world view that sees the world as a chaotic organism forged by differences and change. It would have values of flexibility, solution oriented, and self-responsibility as its highest priorities. It would have integrative structures, systems thinking, and “Third Way” politics as guiding models of solving problems.
Tribalism may refer, in popular cultural terms, to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group.
We see much of this type of tribal social organization in Jane Goodall’s study of chimpanzees, and the study of primate behavior is very helpful. In stark contrast to the chimpanzees, is the non-violent, alternative ways demonstrated by the Bonobo apes. These great apes are complex beings with profound intelligence, emotional expression, and sensitivity. The most unusual and compelling feature of bonobos is their society–matriarchal, egalitarian, and peaceful. Bonobos are also well-known for their creative and abundant sexual activity. Their gentle and amorous nature has led some people to call them the “Make Love, Not War” primate.
Republicans and Autoimmune Disease

Let’s close our discussion of Tribalism with the Republican Party. The current GOP represents an autoimmune, dense mass, not unlike a malignant tumor composed of selfish cells and genetic code, programmed to self-destruct and take the rest of the organism with it. The biological parallels of a body attacking itself are striking, these include symptoms such as inflammation as seen in rheumatoid arthritis. Just as inflammation in the body is disease producing, so to on a sociological level, that which is incendiary and inflammatory produces dis-ease among the populace (Think Trump). The GOP is a flame throwing machinery, burning itself in its inflammatory recklessness.
The GOP is a level of consciousness that is tribal, factional, fragmented, divided, and at war with itself. Just as autoimmune disease attacks the body, so to the GOP is attacking itself and self-destructing.
We have seen a particularly epidemic rise of autoimmune diseases in women over the last 50 years, diseases such as lupus, celiac sprue (reaction to gluten), pernicious anemia, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel, Addison’s disease, and type 1 diabetes. Just as we have seen the rampant destruction of Mother Earth and her sensitive ecological immunity to protect herself has resulted in horrendous weather changes on our planet. Do you think the two are related?!
What does this have to do with Republicans? EVERYTHING! The tribal consciousness that engenders hatred of feminine values is the singular most pernicious threat to our species, this is because, at the core of feminine values is the creation, protection, and nurturance of life. That which is opposed to the creative aspects of life is obviously a threat.
For the Republicans, Feminine values have been replaced by warring tribes: Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science. Libertarians opposed to any government constraint on private behavior. Market fundamentalists convinced the "free market" can do no wrong. Corporate and Wall Street titans seeking bailouts, subsidies, special tax loopholes, and other forms of crony capitalism. Billionaires craving even more of the nation's wealth than they already own. And white working-class Trumpoids who love Donald, and are becoming convinced the greatest threats to their wellbeing are Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans.
Each of these tribes has its own separate political organization, its own distinct sources of campaign funding, its own unique ideology - and its own candidate. What's left is a lifeless shell called the Republican Party.
I truly believe, hope, and pray this Tribe will not prevail!!
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